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Saturday, May 10, 2014

Chicken nuggets: A misleading name?

You love chicken nuggets?
If yes, then get ready to be taken aback by some dumbfounding facts revealed in a study done at the University of Mississippi on chicken nuggets.  The study published in the American Journal of Medicine reveals that there is more to those friendly looking yummy nuggets.
It refers to a restaurant where the researchers found a chicken nugget to have 40% skeletal muscle, as well as “generous quantities of fat and other tissue, including connective tissue and bone.” That was 58% fat, 24% carbs, and 18% protein!
Worse yet, these are made of chicken leftovers!

I think the name is quite misleading. A lot of us, especially the ones who are in their late 20s, were not even familiar with the term ‘nuggets’ not too long ago-until the global chains started selling that to us.
It is alarming how the chicken nuggets have taken our local market by storm over the years. Children are naïve, they do not care about their diets as we adults do, they are happy as long as the food meets their preferences. Needless to say, we have our work cut out.
So next time, please be a doubting Thomas when anyone tries to sell you nuggets.  

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